Vote Fraud Wins Again

Republicans win in Senate and lose the House

by Christine Ross

Yesterday’s sad news of the loss of the House to the Democrats was tempered by Senate victories. We need to pray the rosary for President Trump, and put our trust in God that He will save our nation from the dangers that face it.

Leading Democrats have already promised to impeach Trump and Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh. Rather than moving forward to help make America great again, they want to make even more trouble and be destructive to the good efforts of President Trump.

As usual, Republicans cave and just accept the vote as true. But is it?

Today Lisa Haven published a video containing a Project Veritas video footage of vote fraud allegedly perpetrated in Texas yesterday November 6. The footage showed a woman who appeared to be an election official allowing foreigners to vote in the Texas election yesterday.

It is alarmingly easy to perpetrate voter fraud in the USA

Due to the computerization of the vote, all a computer programmer needs to do is change the programming of a voting machine. It’s easy to vote in the candidate of your choice that way. One computer programmer in Florida admitted to doing just that in this video made 2 years ago.

Or, they can just let ineligible voters participate in the elections the way they did yesterday. As Lisa Haven and others have noted, there were a number of voting machines that conveniently broke down yesterday.

Deja vu all over again

Years ago, I interviewed political candidates who had been victims of vote fraud. What happened to several of them was that the lights at the polling area went out, the computers went down, and the voting stopped. When the lights and the computers came back on, candidates who were winning suddenly found themselves losing.

Did that happen yesterday?

Of course, we’ll never know for sure. Although voter fraud is a felony in many jurisdictions, voter fraud is seldom prosecuted or even investigated.

In the meantime, Trump will have to get his agenda items done before the new Congress is sworn in January 2019. It is tragic that the Democrats do not want to help our country succeed, but rather seem to be fixated on “getting” President Trump.

Now that they have gotten what they want, it is unlikely that the Democrats will be happy with that. They seem to have collectively lost their reason and are in no hurry to regain it.

Let us pray the rosary every day that God will grant us peace and save us from the Communists who wish to destroy our country and make it part of the New World Communist Order.




How to save our country

We must pray the rosary and vote out Democrats!

by Christine Ross

Like many Americans, I am horrified by the incessant violence against unborn children, the awful persecution of Justice Kavanaugh, and the tragic slaughter in a Pittsburgh synagogue last week. Nevertheless, it was good to hear that the President and his family comforted the wounded survivors and their families in hospital.

The Catholic Church teaches that God allows evil so that He can draw good out of it. We must cooperate with the graces that God sends us to stop evil. There are already signs that God is drawing good out of evil. Let us pray the rosary that this trend will continue.

Both Republicans and some Democrats are walking away from mob rule

The Blexit movement of blacks from the Democratic Party has serious consequences for the leftist movement. The Democratic Party has persuaded American blacks to vote for them for years. The Democrats need the support of minorities to win back the House and Senate.

However, blacks have seen their lives improve under President Trump. They are getting tired of the constant race baiting and agitation in favor of violent civil war. Some formerly Democratic minorities are walking away from the Democratic Party in disgust. Let us hope and pray that this trend will continue.

Why does the Democratic Party keep shooting itself in the foot?

When an innocent person is continually attacked in public, it is natural for people to become more sympathetic to him. For some peculiar reason, the Democrats do not understand this and continually malign and insult the President, his policies, and Justice Kavanaugh.

Democrats have even threatened to impeach the President and Judge Kavanaugh if they win back control of the House and Senate this Tuesday. They want open borders and the end of ICE, which would mean the end of our country.

No matter how many times their bullying, threats, violence, and so on fails; the Democrats continue to be nasty, vicious and cruel. After awhile, you feel sorry for them. It must be awful to be so very hate filled.

We must pray the rosary for peace and that God will save our country

As the column of foreign invaders is bussed closer and closer to our nation, it is apparent that there is more to this phenomena than meets the eye. Most of the foreigners are young, fighting age men. They are well-fed, well-dressed, and some are even overweight.

Usually the homeless look weatherbeaten. These young men look great and well-cared for. Let us hope that President Trump will not create tent cities for them, but rather help American homeless people instead.



Charity Begins in the Home

And the womb, too

by Christine Ross

This past week, both liberal and conservative newsmedia have been in an uproar over the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi in a Turkish consulate. It is alleged that a team of Saudi Arabian murderers hacked him to death while he was still alive.

In the meantime, thousands of children have died in a similar manner in abortion mills across the USA. It is estimated that over 3,000 American children die every day, torn limb from limb just like Khashoggi. The silence from both the liberal and conservative media has been disturbing.

Silence implies agreement

Although from time to time conservatives decry abortion, for the most part, they accept it. While I like to think that most conservatives are against abortion, their silence implies otherwise.

In the meantime, there has been furious speculation about the cause of the death of a foreigner in a foreign country. It is tragic that Mr. Khashoggi met such a terrible fate.

Nevertheless, as Fox News contributor Sarah Carter noted on the Brian Kilmeade radio show yesterday, that type of murder is not uncommon there. She mentioned the case of the Saudi princess who led a bad life and was executed for it 1977. The Saudis forced her to watch the beheading of her boyfriend for the crime of adultery. After that, they shot her dead.

It is time for the liberal and conservative newsmedia to stop clucking their tongues at the crimes of foreign nations while ignoring our own. The terrible genocide of abortion must come to an end before we destroy ourselves.

Sometimes when parents are dealing with squabbling children, they are apt to state in exasperation “If you children don’t stop quarreling, I will stop it for you.”

Will God Punish Us for Abortion?

Abortion is willful murder, the first of the 4 abominations, sins that draw down the wrath of God. God loves us, and cares for us. That is why He punishes us, to make us stop sinning and to stop hurting and killing each other. He wants us to return to him and overcome evil with good.

St. Thomas Aquinas taught that even the elements are offended by our sins and would turn and attack us if Almighty God did not restrain them. The rising tide of natural disasters is a sign that we have offended Him by our continued and unending crimes against children.

Let us pray the rosary that God will save our country from abortion and the tyranny that threatens it. We must also pray for peace and that the terrible crime of abortion will come to an end.



Is Politics Becoming Hazardous to Your Health?

And what you can do about it

by Christine Ross

Concerned by the recent leftist media uproar over Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, Senator Rand Paul spoke recently. In an article published on Breitbart, Senator Paul said “I really worry that someone is going to be killed and that those who are ratcheting up the conversation. They have to realize that they bear some responsibility if this elevates to violence,” he added.

So what can we do to stop them?

During World War II, many patriotic Americans and Europeans prayed the rosary for peace. God heard their prayers and ended that terrible war in 1945.

Pray the rosary every day for peace in your heart and in our nation. Pray the rosary at abortion mills where children are cruelly murdered so that these terrible crimes will stop.

Remember, defenseless Austrians drove the Communists out of their nation in 1955 without firing a shot. They prayed the rosary by themselves and in processions. You CAN save your country from a leftist takeover. That’s why you should pray the rosary every day.

Since the enforcement of the tragic  1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, our nation has been plunged into a permanent and endless civil war between abortionists and leftists aided by corrupt governments, parents and innocent children. The war now shows signs of expansion.

As you may know, most law enforcement officers and elected officials swear an oath to uphold the United States Constitution, and not Supreme Court decisions.
If they wanted to, legal authorities could merely ignore Roe v. Wade and proceed as usual. But they won’t.

Should be surprised that Leftists are becoming increasingly violent?

Not really. After all, they support the beheading and dismemberment of innocent children inside the womb. Sooner or later, the violence had to spread to people outside the womb. Even pro-lifers are increasingly under attack at abortion mills.

Recently, radio talk show host Michael Savage wrote and published a new book advocating the arrest of leftists who advocate and practice violence. These leftist organizations are now advocating the destruction of the USA.

After all, the Smith Act of 1940 stated that membership in an organization that advocates the overthrow of the US government is a crime. Why aren’t these radicals being prosecuted?

Only President Trump can answer that question. Let us pray the rosary that God will help the President to do his job and for peace in our country.



The Brett Kavananaugh Magic Show

Pray the rosary for Brett Kavanaugh and our country

by Christine Ross

Magic acts often involved distraction and misdirection. As Lisa Haven said in her recent Project Dragonfly video here  , the important Kavanaugh nomination is also a distraction from Project Dragonfly, the infamous and evil efforts of the tech giant Google to help the Chinese Communists further enslave their people.

The Project Dragonfly app allegedly links the Chinese’ users identity to his searches. If the government does not like the user’s computer activity, he can end up in a concentration camp and executed. One of the Chinese methods of execution involves removal of the political dissident victim’s organs for sale.

While we were sleeping, Google was busy helping the Reds

During their most recent media circus about Brett Kavanaugh, the mainstream media almost completely ignored the equally important Congressional hearings on Project Dragonfly. However, computer engineers have apparently noted reports from the independent press on Project Dragonfly. They are turning down Google job offers in disgust, according to an article on today’s Info Wars

It is increasingly and disturbingly apparent that Google’s efforts to control the Chinese people through their search engine technology is a beta test for the USA and other nations. It’s bad enough that the Chinese have been enslaved by the Communists for decades. We do not want that HERE. We must pray the rosary for Brett Kavanaugh’s successful Supreme Court nomination, and that God will deliver us from Communism.

In the meantime, the deranged Left continues to agitate against Kavanaugh

Watching some deranged Americans attack and malign Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh has been so upsetting that I have often turned off the news of it in disgust. As a woman, I do not believe Christine Ford or the rest of the evil rotten crew who are maligning him. The name “Christine” means Christian. Ms. Ford ought to be mindful of the Saint who said to a man also named Christian “Change your conduct or your name.” Her conduct is shameful and beneath her dignity as a human being created in the image and likeness of Jesus Christ.

As a woman, I also deeply resent watching the left use the vulnerability and weakness of my sex to defame and slander an innocent man in the most grotesquely obscene manner possible. God designed us women to be a help to men, not a hindrance. This whole fiasco is perversion of what male – female relations ought to be.

The reason that God allows evil is that He wants us to fight it and so that He can draw good out of it. Let us pray the rosary that God will save our country from Communism and that Brett Kavanaugh will be our next Supreme Court Justice.

Tommy Robinson Re-Trial Postponed Until October 23, 2018

International crowd of supporters cheers him on in London

Yesterday Ezra Levant of Rebel Media posted video updates of the continuing trials of courageous citizen reporter  and free speech activist Tommy Robinson. On May 25, 2018, police arrested Robinson while he was live streaming a video report on Muslim rape gangs outside a Leeds courthouse.

The legal authorities tried Robinson immediately and packed him off to jail within a space of 5 hours, a procedure more common in tyrannies than in England, the home of the Magna Carta and free speech.

But that was then, and this is now

Having been released from solitary confinement for contempt of court, Tommy Robinson appeared in the Central Criminal Court of London, also known as ” the Old Bailey.” Levant said that murder and terrorism are the most common criminal cases heard at the Old Bailey, and that holding a contempt of court case there is like having a traffic ticket heard in the US Supreme Court.

Tommy appears at window – crowd goes wild!

After conferring with his attorneys, Robinson went to the window at Old Bailey to see his supporters gathered below in the street. Upon seeing the hero of free speech, the crowd of about 1500 went wild, chanting his name over and over again in support. Robinson was both grateful and deeply moved by their cheers. Levant noted about 16 opponents to Robinson protested while the rest chanted.

The group of supporters included people not only from England, but Canada, and as far away as Hong Kong. They recognized the importance of Tommy Robinson’s case to the concept of free speech.

Tommy’s fight is our fight

Unfortunately, the British legal authorities chose to delay the trial until October 23, 2018. Levant said in the US and Canada, such tactics would result in dismissal of the charges. Let us hope that Robinson’s case will be dismissed.

Distressed that so few conservative reporters attended the 20 minute trial there, yesterday, Levant went to London himself by plane. Levant said that the British media openly lied about Tommy Robinson. It’s up to citizen reporters to take up the cause of free speech while we still can.


Why Does God Allow Natural Disasters?

Flooding continues after Hurricane Florence hits North Carolina

While the battle to confirm Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh rages, the flooding in North Carolina continues. At this point, Christine Ford,  Judge Kavanaugh’s accuser, does not wish to testify at a Senate Hearing against him. Ms. Ford has alleged that the Judge attacked her at a party when they were teenagers.

Last week’s Hurricane Florence was a great tragedy, and several families are now grieving in sorrow at the loss of their loved ones. As Americans we ought to help the survivors as best we can and console them. If we can’t help them materially, we should at least pray the rosary for them.

Why does God Allow Natural Disasters?

Despite what the media says, weather does not come from Mother Nature, because Mother Nature does not exist.  God is the Creator of our planet and it is He that rules the weather, regardless of what the Weather Channel and climate change promoters say.

St. Thomas Aquinas taught that even the elements are offended by our sins, and would turn and attack us if Almighty God did not restrain them. The Catholic Church teaches us that everything that happens to us, the good, and what we call bad, comes from God.

For example, let us suppose that we are robbed. God does not will sin, but has decided it would be best for us to not have the money that we are carrying anymore. “The Lord hath given, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord,” says Job in the Bible.

Thus, we ought to give thanks for everything that happens to us, because the Bible also instructs us to give thanks and praise in all things, not just when things turn out to our liking.  We should also enter into ourselves, purge our lives from sin, pray the rosary, do what we can to prevent future natural calamities from destroying our homes (concrete houses, raised foundations), and pray to God for help.

The Catholic Church teaches and preaches that there are 4 abominations: willful murder (including abortion and euthanasia), the sin of Sodom, oppressing the poor, and depriving workers of just wages. These are sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance, and thus draw down the wrath of God.

Abortion and euthanasia are willful murder, and we have allowed the sin of Sodom to flourish. As tragic as the recent weather has been, we must turn to God and stop sinning if we want Him to help us.

The Catholic Church teaches that God allows natural disasters to persuade us to stop sinning and come back to Him. Let us respond to these tragedies by helping those afflicted by them and ending abortion and other abominations.

Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh

More Leftist Hysteria Over a Potential Return to Sanity

by Christine Ross

St. Anthony of the Desert said:

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him saying “You are mad, you are not like us.”

That saying came to mind in light of yesterday’s Democratic uproar at the hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The situation grew so heated that Judge Kavanaugh’s’ wife took their two young daughters, Margaret, aged 13, and Elizabeth, aged 10, out of it.

Since the Democrats are still irate over losing the Presidency, they disrupted the hearing with protests, calls for President Trump’s impeachment, and so on. It sounded more like a circus sideshow than a normal confirmation hearing

Actress Piper Perabo  said she was “arrested for civil disobedience” at the hearing and feared that a Kavanaugh nomination would endanger “equal rights” for women. It is bizarre to hear of a woman getting arrested for promoting the non-existent right of mothers to have their own children decapitated and dismembered. Perhaps if Miss Perabo actually saw a video of what happens to the victims of abortion, she might have more sympathy for them.

But will Brett Kavanaugh end abortion?

Given the track record of Republican Supreme Court justices, that is more of a wish than a hope. While we can hope and pray for the best, given what has happened in the past, it seems unlikely.

So what can President Trump do to end abortion?

The late Howard Phillips, Presidential candidate for the Constitution Party, had a plan to end abortion. He said that he would fire all of the US Attorneys and appoint new ones to prosecute abortionists as murderers.

Just because the Supreme Court says something, that doesn’t mean the President has to enforce their decisions. After all, President Jackson famously asserted that the Supreme Court had spoken, let them enforce their decision. That’s why we have 3 parts to our government – the Executive, Judicial, and legislative branches to check and balance each other.

Yes, it’s true that bringing such cases to court would be a difficult challenge. But abortion is wilful murder and an abomination, the first of the 4 sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. Better to fear the wrath of  Leftists than Almighty God.

Like many elected officials, the US President swears an oath to uphold the US Constitution, and not unconstitutional Supreme Court decisions that pretend to strip children of their right to life. Let us pray the rosary for President Trump, that he will do the right thing and end abortion NOW.

A Visit to An Abortion Mill

An ambulance leaves the Planned Parenthood Abortion Mill in Virginia Beach, Virginia on April 2, 2017

by Christine Ross

Last week I went to the Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Two police cars with 4 police officers were waiting; I’ve never seen so many. Apparently, the Planned Parenthood staff called them for some unknown reason.

Years ago, the lady who taught me sidewalk counseling urged me to say “Please don’t kill your baby.” I added “You’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

While the police were in the parking lot, I said that as loudly as I could to the mothers entering the abortion mill. In addition, I quoted Dudley Nichols’ screenplay for the 1946 film Scarlet Street: “You can’t solve your problems with murder…Murder doesn’t solve anything.”

The police responded by leaving immediately. Most of them are pro-life. It was so weird to watch parents calmly walking into the building to kill their children while the police took off.

The police came back a few minutes later. We still don’t know why.

In the meantime, a new guy came out to preach at the mothers with a loudspeaker. He wasn’t part of the usual group, and I gather he was unaware that speaking above 55 decibels is against the law.

When they returned, a police officer asked him politely to quiet down. The officer went away for awhile, and returned. The speaker ignored their request and kept up the volume.

The officer returned and pleaded with him to quiet down. To his credit, the officer looked visibly embarrassed by having to tell a street preacher to speak more softly. After a few minutes, the preacher left.

Several years ago, I attended a local women’s show. The Virginia Beach Fire Department had a booth with a lady firefighter. During our chat, I invited the firefighter to join us in our outreach to parents at Planned Parenthood.

She declined. However, she said that the Virginia Beach Fire Department had been to the Planned Parenthood abortion mill several times to help mothers who had survived botched abortions.

As challenging as it can be to visit abortion mills, it’s important to go. Years ago, I read an account of a mother who killed her child. On her way to the abortion mill, no pro-lifers were there. She wondered to herself “Where are those pro-lifers when you need them?”

That is why we must pray the rosary every day that God will save our country from abortion and the tyrannies that threaten it.

After Alex Jones’ deplatforming, where is the pro-life movement headed?

Will pro-lifers be next?

by Christine Ross

From time to time, Alex Jones, podcaster, writer, and creator of has participated in pro-life activity. He also reports on it.

Alex Jones’ story is a cautionary tale of why we must pray the rosary every day that God will deliver us from the tyrannies that are destroying our freedoms. We cannot allow these attacks on our God-given right to freedom of speech to continue.

Several years ago, I went to a local abortion mill. A French lady living in the USA came with me.

While I was horrified by watching my countrymen saunter in to murder their children, she had a different view. In France, she said, you can’t visit an abortion mill to help parents. You can’t even talk about abortion because complaining about abortion is now a crime in France. In that sense, it was a comfort to her to be able to visit abortion mills to offer help and hope to parents.

That’s why the social media giants’ attack on Alex Jones is important to pro-lifers and writers everywhere. Working together, they have kicked Jones off Facebook, Youtube, Linkedin, Pinterest, and a host of other social media platforms.

Yesterday Jones’ website came under a sustained Denial of Service attack. Jones has stated that he believes he is a test case, and others have been kicked off since then. In his latest statement, Alex Jones has repeated his concerns that having moved to China, Google is now creating Chinese-style censorship in the USA.

The curious thing about this phenomenon is that none of the tech giants will explain why they did so. There is a general accusation that Jones is guilty of “hate speech.” To paraphrase the late Joe Sobran, “hate speech” can be defined as any speech that the Left hates.

Over the years, I’ve watched as alternative health practitioners mysteriously died. It always came out later that they were assassinated.

So I wondered why Jones has not suffered the same fate. Big tech’s public silencing of Jones’ dissent is message to writers and pro-lifers everywhere that speech they hate will not be tolerated.

For its part, the Democratic Party has endorsed the banning of certain opinions and has twisted the concept of free speech. It now says that only the views accepted by the government are free speech.

Where does that leave pro-lifers? In the USA, there is already an anti-free speech “bubble zone” that prevents sidewalk counselors from approaching parents close to the doors of abortion mills. President Clinton enacted “Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act” in 1994, which limits the freedom of speech of pro-life activists.

The FACE act has resulted in bizarre scenes across the USA. E.g. a couple weeks ago, I was at Planned Parenthood talking to mothers. One of the abortionists called the police due to the display of a pro-life banner. Instead of jailing the abortionists, police harass pro-lifers who are trying to talk expectant mothers and fathers out of killing their children.

Is the government making a bubble zone around social media and free speech?

It sure seems that way. Abortion is the number one cause of death in the USA because of the media blackout on it. Abortion takes more lives than cancer and heart disease combined. Yet that is never stated in the media, which continues to lie and say that heart disease is the number onc cause of death when that just isn’t true.

Alex Jones is a courageous man and has stood up for unpopular truths. He also uses bad language, which is unprofessional, and continues to support President Trump when Trump obviously does not support him.

As Ezra Levant from said recently:

“If Trump doesn’t bust up big tech monopolies, they’ll bust him up.”

In an interview, Paul Craig Roberts said that the  social media giants are in violation of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act. He also said they should be in jail.

We must pray the rosary every day for our country that God will deliver us from the tyrannies that threaten us. These attacks on free speech cannot and must not be allowed to continue.