The Persecution of Phil Kline

Tom Condit, defense attorney for former pro-life Kansas Attorney General Phil Kline, describes Kline’s case. This podcast describes judicial corruption and the persecution of pro-life attorneys like Kline and Condit. Tom Condit talks about Kline’s attempts to prosecute abortionists and Kline’s subsequent suspension. At present, Phil Kline teaches at Liberty University.
A priest visiting in Virginia Beach years ago commented that it used to be a crime to have an abortion. He added that now it’s a crime if you complain about it.

La Verne Tolbert, PhD

In this episode, former Planned Parenthood Board Member La Verne Tolbert, PhD talks about Planned Parenthood’s real agenda. Why is it so hard to stop them? Did you know that New York State used to issue death certificates for aborted babies? Why did they stop? And what about those undercover videos of Planned Parenthood selling the body parts of their victims?

Melissa Ohden

Pro-life speaker and mother Melissa Ohden is a survivor of a late term saline abortion shortly before she was due to be born. Amazingly, not only did she survive, but she was unharmed and now speaks up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Recently she testified before Congress regarding the ongoing Planned Parenthood scandal. We talked about that and what it’s like to be the mother of a child with health challenges.

Nicole Cooley

Pro-life speaker Nicole Cooley discusses the upcoming Pro-Life Bootcamp in Virginia, and how you can participate. Nicole explains the Genocide Awareness Project that shows the ongoing genocide of abortion. She also shares her experience of rape and abortion and how it affected her life. The Elliott Institute did a research study on the effect of abortion on women who have been raped. Does abortion benefit such women? Listen and find out.